sunday goodbyes.

Image via weheartit
For about three years, I hated Sundays. Sundays epitomized why I hated being in a long distance relationship...when Friday arrived, there was so much anticipation for the weekend to come. Yet, when Sunday rolled around, there seemed to be an impending doom hanging over my head. I would often sleep horribly on Saturday nights because I knew what was coming the next day.

With this in mind, today I'm thinking about two of my best friends who are bidding their loves adieu for the next few weeks or months. I know the exact emptiness they're feeling, especially in the seconds you round a corner and realize they're no longer in your sight. 

The reality is this: I had to come to terms with Sundays. I had to disassociate them with the idea of saying goodbye. I forced myself to change my perspective--and think about the last moment  you're together as the furthest from your next visit. Every mile I drove away was one mile closer to our next weekend together.
Image via weheartit
A change in perspective didn't make our time apart any easier, it just made every subsequent separation a little more understandable. Long distance is often a means to an end...and if it's not, then you shouldn't be putting yourself through the pain of Sundays.


  1. I completely agree. My boyfriend has started scheduling his flights for Monday mornings to make leaving a little easier.

  2. We did Mondays when I was in college--and I have to admit, they were a little easier. You were thrown into the next week and it helped dull the pain a bit! Keep the faith...long distance is worth it :)

  3. I love reading other people's stories, happy endings like yours make me smile.It is worth it when the two are committed. I tried it and after sacrificing myself for over a year he walked away giving me no reason.

  4. I've had so many friends not have those happy endings--and I haven't talked about it yet, but I had one that didn't end as happily either. Long distance does take a lot of sacrifice--and until you have someone who appreciates all you're doing to make it work, you're worth more than he was willing to give :) A reason will come...I promise! Keep the faith! xo

  5. I remember the heartbreak of Sundays! The were horrible! And like you in college it was all about the Monday morning goodbye and they did seem easier :-)

  6. I can 100% relate to this. My boyfriend and I try to do Thurs-Sun trips, and I so look forward to Thursday and Friday. And even Saturday, but that holds a little rain cloud over it because I keep thinking "this time tomorrow, I won't be here" or "tomorrow, he'll be gone." It's hard, but having something to look forward to (the next trip) makes it a tad bit easier.
    New to your blog and really enjoying it!

  7. I love this! My boyfriend and I do the long-distance thing.. it's about every three or four Sundays (we live 600 miles apart... he's in Boston... which I love and want to move out to the East coast). It makes it easier knowing people have been through it!
