I survived.

I am here to say that I survived a second month in Operation Spending Freeze! It hasn't been easy by any stretch of the imagination, but the end goal feels more real than it did in January. {We're waiting on the first drafts of our house from the architect! I'm SO excited.} My new goal is to make it through the first 100 days of the year without buying a single piece of clothing. I thought it was crazy, but after surviving 60 days, I know I can do it!

Creating the round-up of what I would have purchased last month was really therapeutic, so I'm doing another round for February. If money did grow on trees, the beauties below would find their way into my closet and jewelry box...

I'll be honest: it is more difficult {by the day} to see all the fun spring purchases across the blogosphere. Everyday emails from my favorite retailers are pure torture and passing up on sales is also mind numbingly hard. I have realized the things I think I need today pale in comparison to the the items I'll want to fill our future home.  Keeping myself accountable {via posts like this!} helps me turn a blind eye to temptation. Creating Friday's Fancies posts also helps me feel like I'm shopping--without spending a dime. At the end of the day, being able to pass on something I want so badly is incredibly empowering. 

I've been putting away a few dollars here and there, so I can buy a few things to spice up my spring wardrobe--but don't expect me to go on a spending spree when I finally break the seal! I've completely changed my habits in just 60 days. When this is all "over," I know I will be a much smarter and stronger shopper. Thank you all for the encouragement to keep going! Believe me: if I can do it, you can too :) Have a happy Tuesday!


  1. I really admire what you're doing, well done! Not sure with all the new-season stuff everywhere if I could do it... Love that swimming costume and the sun glasses :-) Have a great day xo

  2. This post is really inspirational for me because I gave up shopping for Lent. If you have already made it 60 days, I can make it 40!

  3. i need to do this. but...right now it's the only thing that makes me happy - long story, i can email you.

    however, i need that shirt, watch, skirt and flats. son of a...why did you post this!?

  4. brilliant move to put together what you didn't purchase, av! i've done shopping freezes in the past and wish i'd made something similar to help! next time... xo

  5. Alison, about a year ago I decided to only allow myself to eat out for lunch once a week, and to only allow myself to eat dinner out once a week as well. It's hard to say no to friends (and of course there are exceptions), but it has made such a difference! Now when I go out it's extra special and it is something even more to look forward to. I know this isn't exactly "shopping" but, heck, it's still tough!

    Oh, and I decided to treat myself to one item from Etsy the first week of every month. Everyone deserves a splurge now and again, so I felt to give myself 12 in 2012!

  6. Congrats! I have been trying very hard to change my spending habits too. While I haven't put myself on a freeze, I have put myself on a strict budget. It helps me think about what I really want/need versus impulse purchases.

  7. So proud of you! Such a great goal, I don't know if I could do it!


  8. You are so strong! I agree, Friday's Fancies has helped me feel like I'm shopping so I don't have the urge as much! Thank you for that! Love that skirt and that bag!! Stay strong! :)

  9. This is so, so impressive - and may I say, your taste is impeccable, whether you're purchasing or not.

  10. I like the skirt and the sunglasses. You're so good with this spending freeze. I've been spending freeze on the clothing and accessories shopping (except a few buried baubles from BaubleBar with a Christmas credit and three new Target pieces), but I keep blowing my savings on races and running stuff...I need February to be over. It was NOT a good month for my budget. I need mint to reset.

  11. So proud of you Alison! I'm there with you haven't bought clothes in months! But spring fever is kicking in and I know I'm gonna break soon, I need some more color in my wardrobe! xx

    Laura @ A Little Bit of Lacquer

  12. Good for you! I'm awfully impressed. I toyed around with the idea of giving up shopping for lent, but just couldn't go through with it. Although, knowing you can do it (& knowing how much more padded my bank account would be) is motivating!

  13. haha! you are so funny! love seeing what you didn't buy! Way to stay strong! I'm sure your hubby appreciates it :)

  14. i want those sunglasses!

  15. So proud!!! I try... I really try. But I just spent $50 on cab rides this morning..... and it's not even 10 am. Big fail.

  16. That's amazing! I definitely need to do something like this soon. My biggest shopping temptation are sales in general. I can't remember the last time I paid full price for something!

  17. You go girl! You have no idea how badly I've wanted to buy a La Mer watch... but I've refrained! (good girls). You can most definitely make it to 100 days! And then reward yourself with something small and not too overboard and then do another 100 days!

  18. You're a total inspiration for me -- now that we're saving up for a wedding I've been trying to majorly change my spending habits! It's quite hard, especially as a design blogger that's always on the hunt for new items for my site -- but I do agree that I feel like I'm released from having to purchase them once I post -- it's like I know they're going to a good home if I tell my readers about them :)

  19. You are my stinkin hero. First 100 days! That is fantastic. I think maybe I'll just try one week to start out! HA! :) Keep up the good work!

  20. Can't believe how much willpower you have! I've given up online shopping for Lent... I can't even imagine if I gave up actual in-person shopping as well. Hmm... maybe I'll find out. (more realistically, maybe I won't find out haha)

  21. I need to do this because my spending has gotten a bit excessive!

  22. Haha, I need to do this as well. SO tough! I love all of your picks. And just a heads up... I'm giving away those very sunglasses on S&S this coming Thursday! So.... I really hope you win - you deserve it!

  23. I NEED to be on a spending freeze!! Ugh, but spring is calling my name!!

  24. I think a spending freeze is such a great idea, and you're doing such a wonderful job! That swim suit is so darling, good choices as always ;) xoxo! eliza

  25. Ooh I love that striped top, those orange shorts, and those flats! I think the neon trend for spring is so fun! Great job on sticking to your spending freeze girl, my hubby and I just sat down to look our mint.com account the other night and I'm in the same boat, just really trying to crack down on spending so it pays of in the long run aka being able to buy a house! Glad to know I'm not alone! xoxo

  26. I really don't think I could 'not' shop for 60 days for clothing... I think I'd go insane!!! xxoo A-

  27. any good sale is my problem. lol

    i know how you feel with the shopping freeze. husband and i are buying a home also, so we are spending less (alot less) than we used to. its either going out to eat or getting a new shirt. pick and choose for us.. its been hard, but well worth seeing the dollar sign jump in our savings account. :)

  28. Congratulations! Sticking to a spending freeze takes real will power. Seeing all the pretty new spring looks pop up on Pinterest is so tempting! It will be more than worth it when you're able to reach your goals. Thanks for the saving inspiration!

  29. Awesome! That is so inspiring! It will def be worth it!

  30. I am really good at dropping hundreds at H&M or Forever 21, but since moving into and getting to decorate a house, I'm much more interested in buying things for the home than for myself! It feels great, especially because it forces me to use what I've got in the closet ;) Keep up the good work! xo

  31. Yay for another successful month! I am attempting to be much more mindful of my spending so far this year, and lately I've found myself not buying on impulse as much as I used to, but I have a long way to go. Love that bag--so unique! ;)

  32. Oh my gosh that is HUGE! And there were some pretty big temptations there!

  33. loving that skirt and those flats! so cute! congrats on going so long! that is amazing!!! keep it up :)

  34. I love this. The J. Crew shirt and swimsuit are SO CUTE!!! I usually try to limit my spending and just post about the things I want instead of buying what I want, but I have a feeling I might have to go on a spree...for spring clothes of course! xoxoo elizabeht

  35. Congrats on surviving your second month! I put myself on a spending freeze for a little while last year. It's not easy by any means, but you can do it! You're already doing a great job! I absolutely love that J. Crew shirt. Swoon.

  36. i'm also on a spending freeze for lack of money... bills are about to kill me.. right along with all the emails full of lovelies that i'm getting on the daily. and the outfits on pinterest... ugh!! looool

  37. SO impressed with your spending freeze... I want to buy this pair of sunnies right now and am dying trying not to!!! It is so hard!!

  38. Stay strong girl! You are an inspiration... I wish I were as impressive as you!


  39. Congrats - I'm so inspired that you've stuck with it! I'm on a spending slow down...I had a few retailer gift cards left over from Christmas, and any new things I buy have to be via them (with the exception of a $5 pair of Target aviators that were an emotional buy). I think tallying what you would have bought is a great way to think about perspective - what you need/want/ and really want - a fabulous new house!


  40. I am so impressed by you and your spending freeze. I can't imagine how tough it is but I'm sure it helps to have keep your eyes on a prize! Having just bought our first home less than a year ago, I can attest to how much of our spending money goes towards furniture, decor, home projects, etc. My clothing shopping has definitely taken a backseat but I'm okay with that. Good luck with keeping it up, you are definitely an inspiration!

  41. so proud of you darling!! you are quite the inspiration. i'm trying to be a lot better about wearing/re-working the items that i have in my closet right now and not adding too much. but it's hard! and ok, i want EVERYTHING you posted above -- love it all!

  42. Your spending freeze is a very smart idea. I'm definitely trying to spend less money these days, but I'm not sure I could be as strict with it as you are. Good for you!

  43. Good for you! That's impressive!! And congrats on the home. Super exciting!

    P.S. I wouldn't mind owning those items either ;)

  44. awww, I love all of that! couln't resist :D

  45. You are so good! I really need to take after you!

  46. I'd have bought most of those too. LOVE them.

    You can do it! I believe in you :)

    My biggest temptation is probably accessories.


  47. Keep it up girl! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I haven't bought a single piece of clothing in a month either!
    It's extremely hard during the change of the season, but if we stay out of those stores, we're good to go, right?! ;)

  48. Congrats lady, that is so impressive! I've been trying to be good lately too, but your no spending has completely inspired me! xx

  49. Oh I needed to read a post like this as I have not had 2 weeks to kick my habit yet. But you are so right and also fabulous for not shopping for 100 days! I need to think about possibly buying a car after school gets out so I will keep my eye on that these 40 days. But seriously gorgeous picks if we could go shopping together :) SO EXCITED for you to get the plans!!! xo

  50. You have no idea how inspirational this is. I went on a bit of a shopping spree in the last two weeks because I was tired of everything in my closet. While I think I made wise choices, I need to be on a spending freeze! Maybe March will the month to hold off.
